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Library Instructors' Toolkit - Archive pre-2019

Things to consider

Timing of the session is important. If the faculty member is flexible with the date of the session, It is preferable to schedule it within a week or two of the assignment due date. 

These are guidelines and are intended for the typical instruction requests that come to the library. Feel free to contact Jeannette Moss with questions about other situations that may arise.

Planning your session

1. Contact the faculty member to request a copy of the course materials. This may include the course syllabus, assignment handouts, and a list of student topics.

2. Ask for the faculty member's desired learning outcomes. What do they want the students to be able to do as a result of the library session?

3. Schedule a space to teach.

4. Create a list of goals and learning outcomes. Try not to exceed three learning outcomes for each session.

5. Create a script or powerpoint that you can refer to as you teach.

6. Consider organizing an active learning exercise.