The LC classification system groups together books on similar subjects by means of their call numbers.There are 21 main LC call number classifications or classes.
HN59 .T39 2014
H Social Sciences
HN Social history and conditions, social problems and social reform
HN59 America (59 means specific region or country)
HN59 .T39 Taylor (author)
HN59 .T39 2014 2014 indicates that this edition was published in 2014
HN59 .T39 2014 The next America : boomers, millennials, and the looming generational showdown / Paul Taylor.
Each LC call number begins with one to three letters and is followed by a series of numbers. LC call numbers are organized alphabetically, starting with the first letter on the left. They are subsequently organized numerically according to the numbers that follow.
HN59 . T39 2014 The next America : boomers, millennials, and the looming generational showdown / Paul Taylor.